6th Annual Flats and Handwashing Challenge: Did I Learn Anything?

Going into this challenge I had a lot of preconceived notions. I thought washing by hand would be hard and overly time consuming. I was already familiar with using flats but they were strictly back up diapers. Overall I thought it was going to be stressful to keep up with in my somewhat chaotic life. The idea of hand washing …

6th Annual Flats and Handwashing Challenge: Twins in Diapers

Finding out you’re having twins is an exciting and slightly frightening thing. You go in for your appointment expecting to be just a regular pregnant woman and walk out with a lot of feelings and thoughts you weren’t prepared for. One of the first things that went through my head, after the initial shock, was how much everything would cost. …

6th Annual Flats and Handwashing Challenge: Making it Work

Some of the biggest concerns I hear about cloth diapers are fears of difficulty using them and leaks. Flats are often the diaper type that makes people most apprehensive. At first glance they do seem complicated but they’re really very easy to use. I’ve used them periodically over the years but have tended to favor prefolds, after this week I …

6th Annual Flats and Handwashing Challenge: Wash Day!

Prior to this challenge the only things I’d washed by hand were delicate fabrics. Gentle washing is a far cry from what’s needed to get heavily soiled items clean and my shoulders and arms can attest to that. There are several methods we recommend for washing by hand, you can find them here. I was trying to spend as little …

6th Annual Flats and Handwashing Challenge: Fluff Love Life

I love to learn! I’d go to school till I die if it was financially possible. I especially like hands on learning, you know like the rooms in the science museums where they let you touch and play with everything. There isn’t much I find more satisfying than getting down and dirty to learn something new. I suppose that’s why …

6 Annual Flats and Handwashing Challenge: Stash Shots!

Before I ever started cloth diapering I had an image in my head of these Gerber Birdseye flats that are often barely good enough to wipe up a small spill, let alone catch a stream of pee. Little did I know that flats came in many shapes, sizes, and materials. On the high price end you have hemp flats, I …

Sixth Annual Flats and Handwashing Challenge: What Am I Thinking?

I first heard about the Flats and Handwashing Challenge last year, right after the challenge ended. I thought it was a neat idea then. I’d been actively helping at Fluff Love & CD Science for about 6 months and had become more and more enamored with all things cloth diaper the more I learned. I was kind of bummed I …